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          As a Fort Point Artist living and working in the area, I am pleased to present my sculpture, Homage to the Optimist, for permanent installation in South Boston's Fort Point neighborhood.

Description: Cast in concrete and reinforced with rebar, these modular abstract figures are extremely durable to all weather conditions. Structurally and thematically dependent on each other, each upright figure "rests" on the preceding figure, creating a freestanding octagon shaped circuit. A few feet away, one dislocated figure reclines on the earth, inspiring the viewer to ponder further layers of potential meanings.
My emotional incentive for Homage to the Optimist comes from observing our increasingly repetitive daily routines and how optimism, often surrounded by banal concerns, remains resilient. This aspect of the sculpture, resiliency, connects Homage to the Optimist to the current changes residents are experiencing during this period of accelerated development within the Fort Point Channel community.
As renovations continue to move forward for a restaurant and other businesses at 40 Channel Street in particular, Homage to the Optimist will be a unique landmark, highlighting not only the location, but the community's artistic roots for guests unfamiliar with our neighborhood.

Dimensions of Sculpture:
Height:  36” (individual figure)
Length: 14” (individual figure)
Width:   14” (individual figure)
Outside diameter of circuit of figures: 61 1/2”

Installation: Although these figures are self-supporting, additional reinforcement is needed for exterior installation. Simple footings consisting of 1/2” diameter rebar posts anchored to the base of each figure received by a narrow diameter sonet tube footing. This unobtrusive post system would also be utilized to anchor the recumbent dislocated figure. The small footings will be removed and filled in with soil after the exhibition period.            

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Location: Southeast corner of A Street and Binford Street; situated on the north lawn of 40 Channel Center Street, a few feet inside the sidewalk.

Awards: Privately funded grant recipient for public installation during Fort Point Open Studios October 2007.
: $5,500.00 
Installation: $500.00

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Homage to the Optimist
July 2008


William Frese 617.877.8998 or via email 

description | dimensions | installation | location

Homage to the OptimistDislocated figureResting detailPost systemOptimist SlideshowSite location


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